Brick & Mortar Netflix Stores: On-and-Offline Worlds Collide

by Laura Roberto, Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Our thoughts around Digital Transformation are often black and white: the digital or not-digital dichotomy remains cemented in the way we think about digitization, or progression into our future. But, maybe the two aren’t actually mutually exclusive. Not all brands need to throw out their old blueprints; perhaps we can look to the past for inspiration, and forge a path forward that blends on-and-offline experiences into one comprehensive experience that better suits today’s world. Take Netflix’s plan to add brick & mortar stores to the streaming empire they’ve built. Maybe from this we learn that there is power and progress in both future and past experiences

Put simply, digitizing doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting where we’ve come from. We can use data from our past and present to meaningfully guide our future steps forward, artfully implementing technology where it can delight customers, and improve experiences.

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